Thursday 17 January 2013

Album Cover Inspiration: Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey's star image is very feminine, this is the sort of inspiration we needed to consider for our own album cover.
Lana has her own personalised bold font, the gold representing perhaps her high maintenance lifestyle; everything in this album is quite glamourous.
However as it is the second edition to her hit album 'Born to die' the Paradise edition is in smaller font, showing the audience that it is a second version. The font of the Paradise edition could possible lead the audience to believing that this album will feature a more feminine and romantic side of Lana which wasn't explored as fully before.
This is a big inspiration to our own digipak as our lead singer is also the main image on the front and we are also using different fonts, styles like this is something we can consider when we are in the making process.

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